We are so glad you have taken the first step to reach out to us.

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Congratulations on the arrival or expected arrival of your new baby! You are probably full of questions and experiencing a diverse range of emotions from sadness and fear to anger and disbelief. This is completely normal and expected. We are so glad you have taken the first step to reach out to us. As parents who have experienced the birth of a child with Down syndrome we know exactly how you feel. We are available to help answer questions and offer support. If there is one piece of advice we could share with you right now, it is to enjoy your new baby! Your child has Down syndrome, but the diagnosis is far second to that of this simply being your child. You are beginning down a path you may not have planned, but it is a unique and rewarding experience.

We are here to talk

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We are here to talk with you at any time, whether it is in the hospital, at your home or over the phone. New Parent Liaison, Bonnie Jankowski, can be reached at bonniejankowski1977@gmail.com or 905-928-7728 and she is looking forward to talking with you when you are ready. She has two children with Down syndrome and has a package of information to support you as you begin this new journey.

Parent Coffee Nights are a great opportunity to connect with other parents with a child with Down syndrome. It is a safe place to share celebrations, struggles and goals; and to access practical information and resources in a comfortable and supportive environment. Join our mailing list and our FaceBook page to learn when and where the next Coffee Night night is planned.

New Parent Resources

These will help to guide and inform you on your new journey

Health Issues

Children with Down syndrome have higher chances for a variety of health issues during the first year. However, advances in healthcare have greatly improved the outcome for these medical conditions…

Milestones Chart

A helpful guide for developmental milestones comparison…